Doctorate Program in Condensed Matter Physics, Nanoscience and Biophysics


PhD defenses 2020

For Tutors/directors

Update: 20 May 2020

Those students working under the supervision of external researchers (not belonging to UAM), must also have a tutor among the UAM permanent academic staff. The tutor obligations will be to supervise the adequacy of the research plan to the doctorate lines, to assess the progress of the candidate in relation to the original thesis project, and to validate the research and training activities, as well as the student’s and her/his supervisor’s annual reports.

It is responsibility of the tutor to upload the annual supervisor’s report after agreeing and signing the document. Before validating research and training activities by her/his supervised student, the tutor should check that the corresponding documents and certificates have been uploaded and justify the proposed activity.

Specific instructions for tutors:

Upload the thesis supervisor report.

Validation of research activities.

Validation of the research plan.