Doctorate Program in Condensed Matter Physics, Nanoscience and Biophysics
PhD defenses 2020
Biophysics and Complex Systems
Update: 20 May 2020
- BioPhysics and Systems Biology Lab (BioSysBio)
- Raúl Guantes, David Míguez
- Locomotion of artificial systems
- Juan Luis Aragonés
- Physical virology
- Pedro J. De Pablo
- Self organized and active matter
- Laura Rodríguez Arriaga, Juan Aragonés
- Soft Matter and Biophysics
- Giorgio Cinacchi, Rafael Delgado Buscaglioni, Enrique Velasco, Pedro Tarazona
- Biological noise (CNB-CSIC)
- Francisco J. Iborra, Fernando Almazán
- Grupo de Espectroscopía de RMN de Acidos Nucleicos (IQFR-CSIC)
- Margarita Menéndez Fernández
- Grupo de Estructura y Termodinámica de Biomoléculas (IQFR-CSIC)
- Carlos González Ibáñez
- Logic of Genomic Systems lab (CNB-CSIC)
- Juan F. Poyatos
- Molecular biophysics of DNA repair nanomachines (CNB-CSIC)
- Fernando Moreno Herrero
- Structural and physical determinants of viral assembly (CNB-CSIC)
- Carmen San Martín
- Stucture of Macromolecular Assemblies (CNB-CSIC)
- José L. Carrascosa
- Viral Molecular Machines Lab (CNB-CSIC)
- José R. Castón
- Nanomedicine and epigenetics group (CINN-CSIC)
- Adolfo Fernández Valdés
- Nanotechnology for health(IMN-CSIC)
- Montserrat Calleja, Javier Tamayo de Miguel